In 1995, John* was incarcerated. This was before the widespread use of the internet, debit cards, social media, smartphones, and the current global pandemic. Navigating 2020 has been a challenge for everyone, but especially for individuals who have been released from incarceration during this time. However, a PHC Homeless Support Case Manager has been helping him adjust to the vastly different world he now lives in.

With the assistance of his PHC case manager, John has been able to apply for Social Security and learn how to use a debit card, which is now necessary as SNAP benefits are received electronically. His case manager has also been helping him with other technologies that have advanced while he was incarcerated.

PHC operates under the philosophy that housing is healthcare, and that individuals cannot take care of their health while they are without housing. This year, the Homeless Support Services team has successfully rehoused 440 individuals and families, and John is hopefully on track to become the 441st success story.

The Homeless Support Team has been working diligently throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to continue providing assistance to people experiencing homelessness and help them access permanent housing.

Individuals/Families Rehoused in 2020

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