🌞 Summer Fun with the 5210 Challenge!

As summer break begins, make the most of the free time with your family by taking part in the 5210 Challenge – Summer Edition! 🎉

What is 5210

Consume 5 or more servings of fruits or vegetables each day 

Incorporate a variety of fresh, colorful fruits and veggies into your family’s meals and snacks. Get creative with fun recipes and involve your children in shopping for and preparing healthy and delicious meals. 🍎🥦🥕

Engage in 2 or fewer hours of recreational screen time each day

Encourage limit screen time and promote active play instead. Plan outdoor activities, family game nights, or creative projects that keep everyone engaged and away from electronic devices. 📱📺

Participate in 1 or more hours of physical activity each day

Plan daily activities that get the whole family moving! Go for bike rides, take walks in the park, plan a family hike, or organize a friendly sports competition. Get active and have fun together! 🚴‍♀️⚽🤸‍♂️

Consume 0 sweetened beverages each day

Opt for refreshing and hydrating alternatives like water, infused water with fruits, or unsweetened beverages. Encourage your children to make healthy drink choices and limit sugary drinks. 🥤❌

Here’s how parents can help:

Parents play an important role in shaping their children’s participation in healthy behaviors. Through support and behavioral modeling, parents can encourage their children to follow evidence-informed recommendations from groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.

There are so many great ideas to make this summer the healthiest and most fun yet! Here are some activities you can try incorporating the healthy behaviors of the 5210 challenge:

Conduct a taste test of new fruits or vegetables.

Explore new flavors and encourage your family to try different fruits and vegetables. See which ones become new favorites!

Go for a spin!

Head out on a bike ride, scooter adventure, or give roller blading a try. Don’t forget to wear your safety helmet!

Visit a park.

Explore your favorite park or discover a new one in your area. Parks offer endless outdoor fun and are great for picnics and play.

Go screen-free all day!

Take a break from electronic devices and try Screen-Free Saturdays. You can engage in other activities like reading, playing games, or going on outdoor adventures.

Get crafty!

Attend free classes at hardware or craft stores to learn new skills or try a low-cost rock painting activity. Get creative and have fun!

Try out water play!

Cool off by going for a swim, turning on the sprinkler, or having a water balloon fight. Just remember to put on sunscreen when you’re out during peak sun hours.

Go on a night walk.

Grab flashlights or glow sticks and go for a walk after dark. It can be a fun and different way to experience your neighborhood.

Challenge siblings or friends to a race.

Whether it’s running, skipping, hopping, or walking backward, challenge each other to see who can complete the race the fastest.

Visit a u-pick farm or farmers market.

Take a trip to a local farm or farmers market and gather fresh fruit. It’s a great way to support local growers and enjoy fresh, healthy produce.

Create an obstacle course.

Design an obstacle course in your backyard or local park. Challenge family members or friends to see who can complete it the fastest.

Join the 5210 Challenge – Summer Edition and achieve a healthier and more active summer together! Let’s make the most of this break and create lifelong healthy habits for our children. 🌈💪

Remember to share your experiences and photos using the hashtags #5210challenge and #5210summer! Let’s make this summer a healthy and active one. 🌞🏃‍♀️🥦

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