Vaccines: Not Just for Kids

Vaccines: Not Just for Kids

It’s just as important for adults and seniors to get regular vaccines. Beyond annual flu shots, getting shingles, pneumonia and other vaccines is important.

You can prevent cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, but it is estimated that in 2019 around 4,250 women died from cervical cancer. There are a few easy ways that you can protect yourself from cervical cancer. Get screened. There are two screening tests that can...
5 tips to take better care of your teeth

5 tips to take better care of your teeth

It’s National Dental Hygiene Month, and there are little things we can do each day to take better care of our teeth. We created a list of five things you can start doing today so that you get a high-five the next time you come in for your appointment. Swap...

Three strategies to support your mental health

Going to the doctor, exercising and eating healthy all help to take care of your body, but did you know they are also good for your mind?  While we don’t talk about it enough, taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical...
Five tips for managing Type 2 diabetes

Five tips for managing Type 2 diabetes

Five Tips for Managing Your Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes can feel complicated to manage. Our team came up with a few tips to help you think of some easy lifestyle changes you can make to help manage your diagnosis. Increase your physical activity. You don’t have to...

Cervical Health Month: #NadieMás

Did you know, according to the American Cancer Society: Latina women are twice as likely as non-Latina white women to be diagnosed with cervical cancer Latina women have the second highest mortality rate from cervical cancer 85 percent of women who die from cervical...
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